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Connect PostGIS with pygeoAPI

Posted on January 20, 2025

3 minutes

 PygeoAPI is a modern implementation of OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) APIs for publishing geospatial data. It supports several data formats and backends, including PostGIS, a popular spatial database extension for PostgreSQL. This guide will walk you through connecting PygeoAPI to PostGIS and performing spatial queries, such as filtering data by bounding boxes or sorting results.

PygeoAPI is an efficient way to expose geospatial data via OGC-compliant APIs like OGC API — Features. It allows you to serve vector and raster data seamlessly, making it accessible to web and desktop applications.


  1. PostGIS: Ensure you have PostgreSQL with the PostGIS extension installed.
  2. Python Environment: Use Python 3.8+.
  3. PygeoAPI Installed: Install PygeoAPI and dependencies.


To integrate PygeoAPI with PostGIS, install the required Python libraries:

pip install geoalchemy2 psycopg2-binary
  • geoalchemy2: Provides support for PostGIS queries.
  • psycopg2-binary: PostgreSQL adapter for Python.

Add PostGIS as a Resource in PygeoAPI

Edit the PygeoAPI configuration file to add a new resource for your PostGIS table.

    type: collection
      en: Important places
      en: All important places in world
        - places
        - point
        - important
      - type: text/html
        rel: canonical
        title: information
        href: https://www.naturalearthdata.com/downloads/10m-cultural-vectors/
        hreflang: en-US
        bbox: [-180, -90, 180, 90]
        crs: http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/OGC/1.3/CRS84
      - type: feature
        name: PostgreSQL
          port: 5432 # Default 5432 if not provided
          dbname: postgres
          user: postgres
          password: postgres
          search_path: [public]
        id_field: id
        table: places
        geom_field: geom


  • type: collection: Defines a collection of features.
  • providers : Specifies PostgreSQL as the data source.
  • `Database Credentials ` : Replace host, dbname, user, and password with your database details.
  • table: The table in PostGIS containing your geospatial data.
  • geom_field: The geometry column storing spatial data

Generate the OpenAPI Definition

After configuring your resource, generate the OpenAPI documentation using the following

pygeoapi openapi generate $PYGEOAPI_CONFIG --output-file $PYGEOAPI_OPENAPI


  • $PYGEOAPI_CONFIG: Path to your PygeoAPI configuration file.
  • $PYGEOAPI_OPENAPI: Desired output file for the OpenAPI documentation.

Run PygeoAPI

Start the PygeoAPI server to serve your PostGIS data:

pygeoapi serve

Query Your Data

Fetch All Data

Retrieve all features from the imp-places collection:


Filter by Bounding Box

Fetch features within a specific bounding box


Sort Features

Retrieve features sorted by the name attribute


Filter by Comparison Operators

Use comparison operators in your filter expressions, such as =!=, <, >, <=, and >=.

Example: Retrieve places with population less than 100:


Filter by Like or Pattern Matching

Use the LIKE operator for pattern matching on string attributes.

Example: Retrieve features where the adm0name attribute starts with "Ind"

http://localhost:5001/collections/imp-places/items?filter=adm0name LIKE "Ind%"

Who am I ? 🙍🏻

Hi, I’m Krishna Lodha, I’m an open source GIS Developer, Contributor and Content creator. I have my agency Rotten Grapes Pvt. Ltd. where we develop Web GIS Applications using Open source stack.

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